New Hardware

The main new piece of hardware we’re using is a custom designed image sensor (pictured below)

Camera Sensor

The sensor PCB contains a 30x40 array of 1200 phototransistors along with a 32:1 analog mux (used for selecting rows) and two mezzanine connectors (50 pins each) for communication. The sensor is connected to a breadboard with a 48:1 analog mux (used for selecting columns). The analog muxes (controlled by the MCU) are used to select a single phototransistor to read from by applying voltage to the corresponding column and reading the output voltage from the corresponding row. The phototransistor is setup in a common collector configuration with a varying value resistor between the emitter and ground to control the sensitivity of the sensor.

Common Collector Phototransistor Schematic

Schematic Source: electronics-notes.com1

The phototransistors and muxes are all run on 5V. Note that the sensor PCB theoretically supports any 0805 phototransistor, but we are using the PT0805CS due to its low cost and availability. See schematics for the sensor PCB here.

The new MCU peripheral we are using is the ADC which reads analog signals (in this case from the phototransistors in the sensor) and converts them to a digital signal.



Sensor PCB

Here is the schematic of the sensor PCB. It contains the array of 1200 phototransistors, 32:1 analog mux, and mezzanine connectors. See the bill of materials for more information on the parts used and links to the source files for the PCB.

Source Code Overview

The source code for the project is located in the Github repository here.

Bill of Materials

Item Part Number Quantity Unit Price Link
Sensor PCB Custom 1 $8.32 source files*
Mezzanine Breakout PCB Custom 2 $0.69 source files*
SMD Phototransistors PT0805CS 1200 $0.08 link
16:1 Analog Mux & Breakout CD74HC4067 3 $5.95 link
Female Mezzanine Connector 0513380574 2 $2.30 link
Male Mezzanine Connector 5017450501 2 $2.11 link
32:1 Analog Mux ADG732BSUZ 1 $13.11 link
5k Resistor N/A 1 N/A stockroom

Total cost: $145.48

*Note: The custom PCBs were manufactured by JLCPCB.


Phototransister Circuts Applications. Accessed 7 Dec. 2023.

Qoi Image Compression. Accessed 7 Dec. 2023.

Technical Data Sheet 0805 SMD Phototransistor: PT0805CS. Accessed 7 Dec. 2023.


Prof. Brake for all of his help, support and teaching as we attempted this crazy project. Sean Hodgins for inspiring us to do this in the first place.


The inspiration for this project came from a simlar project found here.

We aim to expland on this project by making it higher resolution, adding a bayer filter for color imagery, and adding on-device image compression.